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 Welcome to Bridgeport Elementary School Nurse’s Page

School Nurse, Mrs. Cheryl Haggerty, RN

Phone: (315) 633-9612  Fax: (315) 633-5606


Health Appraisals ( Physicals)


The New York State Educational Department requires health appraisals (physicals) for students who:

     enter the school district for the first time

     are in grades K, 2,4,7, and 10

     participate in interscholastic sports in grades 7 - 12


Health appraisals are acceptable if administered not more than twelve months prior to the beginning of the school year in which the examination is required.


We suggest that the health appraisal be done by the family physician as he/she is the one who best knows the family.  Physicals to be completed by the family physician  must be returned by April of the school year.


Health appraisals by the school physician will again be provided at no cost to the student or his/her family. These will be conducted in school at a prearranged time.


 Dental Health Certificates


Each student is requested to furnish a dental health certificate at the same time that health certificates (physicals) are required.  Such dental health certificates must contain a report of a comprehensive dental examinatin performed on the child. Each certificate shall be signed by a duly licensed dentist who is authorized, by law, to practice in the state of New York.


 Medications During School Hours 


When it is necessary for a student to take medication (prescription or non-prescription) during the school day, the School Nurse in each building shall cooperate with the family in this matter following the guidelines listed below which are set forth by the New York State Education Department:

  • 1. A signed written request is required from the family physician indicating the name of the child and the reason for giving the       medicine. This request must include the name of the medication, the frequency, dosage and time of the say to be given.  All       medication must come to school in the original container.
  • 2.  A signed written request from the parent is required to administer the medication as specified by the family physician.
  • 3. Medication must be delivered to school.  It may be brought to school by a parent/guardian or it may be packaged in a plastic     bag with the student’s name written on it.  It can then be given to the student’s bus driver and he/she will deliver it to the             school office. No medication is to be brought to school by a student.
  • 4. No medications are permitted in the classroom.


New York State Health Screenings

The District's School Health Services program supports your student's academic success by promoting health in the school setting. One way that we provide care for your student is by performing the health screenings as mandated by the State of New York.

The following screenings will be required or completed at school:


Distance acuity for all newly-entering students and students in Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2, 3,5, 7 and 10.

Near vision acuity, hyperopia and color perception screening for all newly-entering students.


Hearing screening for all newly-entering students and students in Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10.


Scoliosis(spinal curvature) screening for all students in Grades 5 - 9.

Parents will be notified if there are any findings on the screening done at school that would cause concern or need medical follow-up.

Elementary School Head Lice Protocol

 In order to remain proactive with the health issue of head lice, the Board of Education has adopted a no nit/ lice policy.


Building wide checks of each student for nits/lice are to be completed by the second Friday in the first two weeks of school. Any student with nits/lice will be sent home.


A second building-wide check  will be made during the second semester.


 Procedures if nits or lice are found


Parents will be called to take the child home.

Students in the class where the case was found will be checked, as well as siblings. The nurse in other buildings where siblings attend will be notified.

A letter will be sent to all parents of students in the class where nits/lice were found.

The student must be brought to school by a parent/guardian and will be rechecked by the nurse before readmission to school and bus transportation.




We advise keeping your child at home when they are not feeling well.  A temperature of 100 degrees or more is considered a fever. A child should be fever free for 24 hours and not require medication to remain fever free before returning to school.


A child that has vomited during the previous night or that morning or has had several episodes of diarrhea should be kept home.


A child with eyes that are swollen, red or draining should be kept home,.


If a child becomes sick while at school, the parent will be notified and asked to pick-up the child. For this reason, it is important that parents, who are not at home during the school day, designate someone who will be available to pick-up  heir child.



Stitches, staples a splint or a cast


When student have stitches, staples a splint or a cast, they are automatically excluded from physical education, sports and playground activities. The student can only be released with a note from a physician. A parent note is not sufficient.



 As always, please call the health office with any questions or concerns!

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